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In Loving Memory of Jim Meador



More On Throw

 | by Jim Meador


The dynamic is not always easy to understand, so I will continue to offer different visuals that might help.

Above we have created a "spinner" by driving a nail through one end of a piece of wood and into a surface. Flick the end of the spinner, and it spins around its axis (in this case, the nail).

The light grey circle above represents the area that the cue ball might occupy, and the dark half circle an object ball. When one applies "right english" to the cue ball, it is like flicking a spinner counterclockwise. Now imagine the piece of wood in the diagram spinning in the direction of the arrows. If the edge of the wood were to strike the object ball it would "throw" the the object ball a fraction to the left. A spinning cue ball can have the same effect.

To test the amount of throw you can put on a frozen object ball, try the hits shown below. Notice that greater throw is achieved with hits closer to the outside edge of the cue ball. But shots close to the edge require very soft strokes to keep the tip of the cue stick from losing friction with the cue ball, which would be counter productive.

The added "top" english shown is not absolutely necessary, but will help accomplish the shots. But that's another story.