Set up the balls as shown in the illustration. Be sure a "marked" ball is placed in front of each cup (pocket). Each opponent shoots simultaneously at the cup at the other end of the table by banking off a side rail as indicated by the arrows in the illustration
1. Bumper Pool is played by two players or by four as partners.
2. Each side has five red balls or five white balls, one of each color being a marked cue ball.
3. To set up Bumper Pool, place two red balls on each side of the white cup. Place white balls in same position around the red cup (pocket).
4. Both players shoot marked ball at the same time, hitting first the side-cushion, banking the ball into or near his color cup. The player who plays his ball into or nearest his cup shoots again. Marked cue balls must be pocked first. If a player sinks another ball before his marked ball is pocketed, his opponent may remove two of his own balls and drop them into his cup. In the event that both marked balls are pocketed on first shots each player takes one of remaining balls and spots it in front of cup and both shoot at same time., just as they did with marked balls. From there on they take turns beginning with the player who pockets his ball or is nearest to his cup.
5. A player receives another shot upon sinking his own color ball in his own color cup.
6. In the event that a player causes a ball to leave the table, his opponent may place this ball anywhere he wishes, and in addition can remove two of his own balls and drop them into his cup as an additional bonus.
7. If a player sinks one of his opponent's balls there is no penalty, but if he sinks one of his own balls into his opponent's cup, or shoots one of his opponent's balls, his opponent may then drop two of his own balls into his cup.
8. No player is allowed to jump his ball over balls or bumpers in making shots. Penalty for this will be the same as in Rule 7.
9. The first player or team to sink all five balls is the winner, except that player forfeits game if he shoots his last ball into his opponent's cup.
10. The length of time that the winners may continue playing is governed by House Rule.
Glossary of
Billiard Terms
8 Ball Rules
9 Ball Rules
14.1 Continuous
Jackass Shooting Pool
Physics of Pool
Bumper Pool
The Masse'
Topless Sharking
Selecting a Cue Stick
Long and Straight
Trick Shots