| by Jim Meador
"Creative? I'm still working on simple cut shots, and you talk creative? Get a grip!"
You're right. If the above is your response, you're a good thinker. But let me make a suggestion that might make even the simple cut shots more fun and productive.
Practice the fundamentals regularly and with determination, and you will improve your shot making abilities. Taking the game one step at a time is the smart thing to do. But, what if your overall understanding of the game itself could be added to the learning curve? If you don't sacrifice your valuable practice sessions, there is no reason why you shouldn't learn something about the physics of the game as well. Think of one as practice, and the other as experimentation. You can develop your creative abilities if you experiment. What you discover may not be of value now, but as you grow with the game you will find increasing value in your discoveries.
I have set up Table (1) with a dead bank, but because the object ball is frozen to the rail, it is difficult to get the cueball out of the way of the rebounding object ball. To make the bank, shoot hard using top-inside english (which tightens the rebound angle.) Hit the object ball thinner than you would if the object ball was not frozen (to get the cueball out of the way after the hit.)
On Table (2) You do not have a clear shot around the high ball to sink the low. Go to the rail first. Just remember that the cueball will not hit the point on the rail you aim at if you are aiming through the center of the cueball. Since the cueball is 2-1/4" in circumference, it will hit the rail when the center is 1-1/8" from the rail. So, either aim the edge of the cue at the contact point, or make allowances for the early rail contact.
Jackass Shooting Pool
Physics of Pool
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